

(夏可欣說: 本篇是英翻中, 多少有點不順暢....想要“原汁原味的”朋友們, 請考驗自己的英文, 去讀原文版吧!)


基於某些原因, 我最近似乎比較容易感到悲傷. 就好像是... 我沒有辦法去面對任何悲傷或是黑暗的事物. 我因為一隻本來就要被拿去煮的蝦子被殺了而吃驚, 悲傷 (那隻蝦子, 我無法理解, 他們怎麼可以就這樣殺了牠, 活生生的把棍子戳穿那隻可憐生物的身體, 然後直接拿去烤!); 我因為一部電影“末日預言”, 靜靜的哭泣, 並且連飛機上的餐點都吃不下; 現在, 我正在因為看完了“晚安, 美人”這本書, 而哭泣到不能自己...


至於, 電影“末日預言”, 我個人覺得, 開始以及中間的部分都蠻緊張刺激的, 但是接下來那個男主角愛的女人因為要追逐那些帶走自己女兒的外星人, 死於車禍. 接著, 男主角跟著外星人, 並且在自己兒子被帶走之前找到了他們. 他想要跟著兒子一起走, 但是外星人告訴他說只有“被選中”的人才可以一起走, 所以他只好告訴他的兒子自己跟外星人走. 當我聽到兒子和爸爸之間最後的對話時, 我完全沒有辦法停止哭泣: “不要擔心, 不管你在哪裡, 我們兩個永遠都會在一起”“永遠?” “, 永遠... 現在你得跟著他們走”. 在外星人帶著他的兒子走之後, 他回到他的老家, 跟他的父母以及妹妹以起擁抱....然後....世界就整個爆炸毀滅了....







怎麼可以...??? ??? ??? ??? ???


我那時感到想要尖叫的說出這些話, 同時宣洩那些在之後空姐提供餐點時, 仍然纏著我的悲傷的痛


至於“晚安, 美人”, 是一本有關家庭以及愛情的書. 老實說, 我覺得這本書有點複雜, 因為人的透視觀點不斷隨著不同著章節, 在兩個女人以及他們的兒子之間轉換. 在結尾的時候, 女人的兒子在醫院中去世了. 她告訴兒子不用擔心, 她以後還會跟他見面, 最後, 她說了最後一次的“晚安”. 我幾乎無法閱讀最後幾個章節, 因為我哭的太厲害了, 我的視線變得非常模糊, 所以我只好重新閱讀幾遍, 然後哭得更厲害.


我不知道是不是只是我啦, 不過我每次想到人們要被迫分離, 尤其是如果是要生死離別, 我就很容易會哭. 這些結局, 讓我心情上, 以及精神上都深受影響, 就像一個我沒有辦法承受的打擊, 然我就像是陷進一個悲傷的流沙, 它慢慢的耗盡我的好心情. 我真心的為那些電影或是書中的角色感到難過, 就算他們可能根本不存在; 之後我便會替故事想一個更美滿的結局來安慰治療自己. 不過基於某些連我自己也不清楚的原因, 如果這些悲傷的事情是發生在我現實中的身邊 (例如我的家人), 我便很少會真正被影響到 (可能是因為已經習慣童年裡家裡老是發生一些悲慘的事情... 是的, 我也覺得自己聽起來挺冷血的). 當然, 也會有一些例外, 例如我真的由衷為那些因為這次台灣颱風而失去家人的人感到難過; 但是基本上, 這個現實世界中, 唯一一個我從來不停止關心, 而且老是在心情上沒有例外的被影響的人就是...秋力延. 上次我超擔心他爺爺的事情, 而且超痛恨我自己幫不上他們的忙...


我知道我聽起來還挺誇張的, 不過當我看到悲傷的事物, 我真的會被深深的影響 (不包括在我身邊的事物, 我想應該是因為電視新聞老是會給那些現實中不在我身邊發生的悲傷事件一層不真實感, 所以它們也會像電影以及書籍一樣的影響我).


總之, 我不推薦“末日預言”這部電影, 因為我覺得結局很白目, 而且外星人拯救小孩子的情節也太扯太假.

不過, 我非常推薦“晚安, 美人”這本書, 因為結局不但讓我哭泣, 更給了我一種暖暖的感覺. 我想了許多的“如果...” “如果那個孩子, 李奧, 沒有死呢?” “如果那個女人沒有離開英國呢?” “如果另一個女人沒有發現那通簡訊呢?”...不過我對於這個故事, 並沒有像對其他故事一樣, 想要改變它的結局 “這個結局夠好了...如果其中一個人做了一個不同的決定, 誰知道故事一定會更好呢?” 我這麼告訴自己...

還有, 我羨幕那個孩子, 李奧, 他有一個非常愛他的媽媽, 我希望貓媽也可以更關心我. 每次我讀到有關非常愛彼此的家庭, 我就感到有點忌妒.... (我打算就此打住, 讓大家自己去想像為什麼, 哈哈)


最後, 我想要謝謝所有在我有將近一個月都沒有更新的時間中仍然支持貓咪的物語的人, 你們是最棒的. 我會盡快PO上下一篇文章, 並且繼續用我和秋力延的友誼支持這個部落格的!

還有, 去讀讀“晚安, 美人”這本書吧, 因為它真的是一本可以帶給你深深感動的好書.

再次謝謝你們大家, 愛你們喔~




For some reason, I seem to feel sad easily lately. It's kinda like... I cannot face anything sad or dark. I got depressed and shocked, because this shrimp that was meant to be cooked got killed, (the shrimp...I couldn't understand how they could just kill it like that, poking a stick through the body of that poor creature, and then put it right on the stove thing while it was still alive!) I cried silently and couldn't even eat my meal on the plane after watching the movie “Knowing”, I'm also crying hard right NOW, because I just finished the book “Goodnight, Beautiful”.


For the movie “Knowing”, I thought the beginning and middle parts were pretty exciting, but then the woman that the guy loves died in a car accident while chasing the aliens that took away her daughter. The guy later followed the aliens and then got to the destination right in time before the aliens take his son and the woman's daughter away. He wanted to go with his son, but the aliens told him that only the “chosen ones” can leave with them, so he had to tell his son to go with the aliens alone. I couldn't stop crying when I heard the last conversation between the guy and his son: “Don't worry, no matter where you are, we'll always stay together”, “Forever?”, “Yes, go with them.” After the aliens leave with his son, he went back to his old house, hugged his old parents, sister.... and then... the world just kinda exploded


Stupid aliens!!

How could they refuse the dad to leave with them?

The dad... loves his son so much

And you aliens just force them apart???

HOW....??? ??? ??? ??? ???


I felt like screaming that out loud, while expressing my pain of sadness that seemed to still haunt me later when the flight assistances served the meals.


And for the book, “Goodnight, Beautiful”, it's about family and love. To be honest, this book is really confusing, because the perspectives kept changing between two women and their son in every different chapter. At the end, the son of the woman died in the hospital. She told his son that there's nothing to worry about, and she's gonna see him again, and then, she said “Goodnight” for the last time. I could barely read the last few chapters, because I was crying so hard, my sight got super blurry; so I had to re-read it a few times, and cried even harder.


I don't know if it's just me, but I cry really easily when I think of the scene of people being separated, especially if they're being separated, because one of them is dying. For those kinds of endings, I get affected emotionally and mentally, it's like a shock that I cannot take, and then I just kinda drift into this quicksand full of sadness, which slowly drains away my good mood. I truly feel sad for the characters in the movies or books, even if they don't even really exist; and then I heal myself by thinking a better ending for them by myself. But for some reasons, if all those sad stuff happen in real life around me (like my families), I barely get affected. (probably cuz I'm kinda use to all those tragedy-ish stuff that happened in my family during my childhood... and yeah, I sound so coldblooded) Of course there are some exceptions, like I felt really sad for the people that lost their families because of the typhoon in Taiwan; but in general, the only person in real life I truly care of nonstop and get emotionally affected by all the time with no exceptions is probably Trillian. Last time, I was extremely worried about his grandfather, and I hate myself for not being able to help him or his grandfather.


I know I sound over exaggerated, but I really get affected greatly when seeing sad stuff (that doesn't happen near me, I guess TV always add a fantasy color to sad events in true life, which is why they also affect me like books and movies do).


Anyways, I do NOT recommend the movie “Knowing”, because I think the ending is retarded, and that the aliens saving the two kids is just super fake.

But I DO recommend you guys to read the book “Goodnight, Beautiful”, because the ending not only made me cry, but also gave me a warm feeling inside. I thought about so many “what if”s, “What if the kid, Leo, didn't die?”, “What if the woman didn't leave England?”, “What if the other woman didn't find out about the text message?”...but I actually didn't want to change the ending like I thought about other stories. “This ending is good enough, who knows if it'll actually work out better if someone made a different decision?” I told myself...


Also, I envy the kid, Leo has a mother that loves him so deep, I wish my mom could care about me more. Every time I read stories about families that love each other so much, I get a bit jealous....(I'm just gonna stop here, and let people guess why, haha)


At last, I wanna thank everyone for still supporting my blog while I'm not here to update it for about a month, you guys are the best. I'm going to try publishing another article as soon as I can, and continue to keep this blog running with Trillian.

Oh, and go read the book “Goodnight, Beautiful”, because it really is a book that can touch your heart. Thanks again, love you guys all :)



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