

(夏可欣說: 本篇是英翻中, 多少有點不順暢....想要“原汁原味的”朋友們, 請考驗自己的英文, 去讀原文版吧!)


昨天, 九月四日, 星期五, 是我16歲的生日. 我必須像平常一樣, 早上6點起床去學校上AP電腦科學課 (補充: AP= Advanced Placement, 在美國高中是一科科目最高的等級, 上完一年的課之後, 可以考AP考試, 根據分數, 有些大學可以抵掉一些學分) 天哪~ 超痛苦的, 因為我前一天晚上一直到清晨五點才去睡覺...我呻吟著在床上滾來滾去, 跟我那個似乎在我按下“snooze”(打盹鍵)之後, 又立刻開始鈴鈴鈴...一直叫的鬧鐘打架 (真是的...打盹鑑的功能不是就是為了要讓我再多睡一下嗎? 怎麼每5秒鐘就一直在那邊“鈴鈴鈴鈴鈴鈴...”一直叫!)


之後呢, 在學校, 我從0節課開始, 就不斷收到“生日快樂”的祝福. 我收到了朋友們的禮物, 一個生物科技同學給的氣球, 還有一個我根本不認識的男生送的gift card ...

(我不確定gift card在中文叫什麼耶, 直翻是: 禮物卡, 可是比較像是台灣的儲值卡, 但是又不能儲值, 裡面有錢可以去原本買卡的一家店買東西...美國很多人都送人這種卡, 因為可能不知道要送什麼東西, 所以就買一張卡, 裡面有個20, 50 或是 100塊美金, 收到的人可以自己去買東西....我收到的是一張10塊錢的書店禮物卡...)


中午在F走廊上時, 氣球的線鬆掉了, 結果氣球就非走了. 事情發生的太快, 我連氣球往哪裡飛我都沒有看到~ 好笑的是, 後來我去別的走廊找朋友聊天, 他們竟然說他們有看到我的氣球飄過~~ 呵呵 XD


放學後, 我得去文具店買那種有一格一格繪圖紙的筆記本, 但是它們沒貨了, 所以我只好跑去另一家文具店找, 然後, 剛好看到了一個電腦桌在特價, 29.99 (約台幣1000多塊), 粉紅色的, 感覺超搭我新的白色筆記型電腦的....所以我就買了, ~ :]


吃完晚餐後, 我媽拿出了他幫我買的蛋糕. 是一個有一層一層巧克力以及芒果製作成茶壺形狀的蛋糕. 看起來, 還蠻好吃的....但是實際上, 真的是難吃透頂!

我想我這輩子應該沒有吃過這麼難吃的蛋糕, 巧克力的味道吃不太出來, 而且號稱“新鮮”的芒果吃起來像芒果乾...其中有幾塊芒果還吃起來...脆脆的... O_O


我媽沒有送我任何禮物, 因為他說回台灣的機票就是我的生日禮物, (真是的...如果要我選, 其實我選的話, 我也想要去法國的機票, 來趟歐洲之旅~)


~還有啊, 我覺得facebookstatus超酷的! 大家看到我寫說是我的生日, 然後我就忽然多了40多個祝福的留言 :) 真是超謝謝他們的 ^_^


總而言之, 我覺得, 我的16歲生日, 應該可以說是, 又累, 又忙,又還挺好玩的, 而且還非常的....難吃 ^_^” **


謝謝所有有給我祝福的朋友們 ^_^ :]]




Yesterday, Friday September 4th is my 16th birthday, I had to wake up at 6:00 as usual for my AP computer science class. Man~ it was torture, cuz I wasn't able to go to bed until 5 in the morning. I moaned and groaned and rolled around the bed, fighting with my freaking alarm clock that seemed to just start ringing again right after pressing the snooze button (I mean, for god's sake, it's suppose to let me “SNOOZE”, not keep screaming by my ear every 5 seconds!)


Anyways, at school, I received non-stop “Happy Birthday”s since 0 period, I got presents from friends, a balloon from my biotechnology classmate, and even a gift card from a guy who who I don't even really know~


During lunch at F hall, the string got loose and the balloon flew away. It happened so fast, I didn't even see which direction the balloon flew. The funny thing is that later when I went to meet my other friends located near the music building, they told me that they saw a birthday balloon flying across the sky a few minutes ago. Hehe~


After school, I had to go to Office Depot for graphing paper composition books, but they were out of composition books, so I had to go to Staples to see if they have them. At Staples, I saw this computer desk that was on sale; it's pink, and shiny, and pretty cheap, I think? ($29.99) :) I think it totally matches my new white I bought it...yay~ :]


After dinner, my mom brought out the cake she bought for me, which is a teapot shaped cake made with different layers of chocolate cake and fresh mango. It looks really pretty and delicious, but the truth is......HORRIBLE!

I think I've never had any cake that tastes that bad, the chocolate flavor was really light, and the mangoes tasted like dried mangoes, which was extremely sour and hard, some of the mangoes were even kinda crunchy... o-_O


I didn't get any present from my mom, because she told me that the plane ticket was my gift... >.> (wow...then if I could choose, I would choose a ticket to go to France, for a Europe trips)


Oh, and I think facebook statuses are super cool! People saw my status about my birthday and I got like 40 or something blessings from my friends. :) A big thanks to them, they're awesome :)


Anyways, I guess I can call my 16th birthday, busy, tiring, kinda fun and super horrifying tasting...? ROFL :)


Again, thanks to all the people who said “Happy birthday” to me, I love you guys all!


Happy Birthday to Yoitsu, my friend who has his birthday today (haha, you're still younger than I am)

Happy Birthday to CiCi, who has her birthday tomorrow (sorry I can't go to your birthday party thingy, I really wanted to go..but my mom wouldn't let me >.>)

and happy birthday to all other people who have their birthdays in September :)


Peace! XD



    創作者 Catwich 的頭像

    貓咪の物語.友情.生活.Cat's Life

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