
-------------------------中文版 (翻譯版)




有時候, 我真的很懷疑, 夏天真的到了嗎?

通常,人們聽到夏天這個詞時,都會自動與那些很吸引人的詞聯想在一起, 像是 樂趣”, “暑假”, “假期”, “海邊”, “旅遊”,以及美食之類的...


這個暑假,我在我們的高中(Arcadia HS)修化學, 當然...我可以理解暑期課程是一定會有功課要寫,書要讀的....但是,每天(包括假日)都必須要熬夜熬到兩三點才能讀完書,寫完功課....這樣,有沒有一點太誇張啊?


有些人常說,我根本就是超完美主義者,所以才會耗這麼多時間,但是....看看我的筆記本,筆記都抄的超亂的...我連好好超筆記的時間都沒有,還需要我多做什麼解釋嗎? (拜託,我又不是每個字都適用刻上去的)











結論是,目前為止,我覺得生活實在是很無聊,我非常的痛恨它,並且,我相信我的朋友跟我一樣討厭它. 現在我唯一可以期待的事情應該就是8月回去台灣和(秋力延)Trillian碰面吧(聽起來很肉麻...不過說真的~這是我目前生活中唯一可以期待的事情了)


總而言之,寫這篇文章(日記),只是為了想要對生活,沒有假期的夏天,以及很豬頭的化學課抱怨抱怨 (下次我想試著寫寫看我們化學課的趣事...不過可能要寫很久)







還有,要謝謝Billy學長,他昨天晚上(半夜2:00是今天早上?) 陪我一起背化學元素表 :]


Classie 夏可欣 (英文版-77日凌晨1:38...中文版下午PO上的)


---------------------------------------English version (original version)



That’s what I see really often on my Facebook homepage lately...

Sometimes, I seriously wonder, is it really SUMMER?
I mean, usually when people hear the word “summer”, they immediately relate it with appealing words like “fun”, “break”, “vacation”, “beach”, “travel”, “good food”...etc.

But how come, I haven’t been having fun AT ALL, since day 1 of my summer vacation...??


I’m taking chemistry at Arcadia High school over the summer, and of course I understand that we have homework, studies and all that; but isn’t it a bit....beyond normal to stay up late till 2 or 3AM everyday, including weekends, just to do homework and study for chapter tests?


I know sometimes people say I’m a bit of an overachiever, but looking through my notes, they are all so messy! I don’t even get enough time to take neat notes...what more do you want me to say? >.> (It’s not like I carve each letter on my notes, pshhh)


I’m not a nerd, so I seriously do NOT enjoy staying in my room and study 24/7. I want to chat with my friends by phone, go shopping with my sister (even if she’s kinda annoying), go watch “UP” or “Transformers 2” at the theater, and also talk to Trillian on msn without needing to worry about the tests we have the next day, or the day following that. Am I really asking for something that’s unreasonable?


Not only me, my other few chemistry buddies are probably also torturing themselves with the chemistry textbook right now. I feel sorry for them and for myself...we’re starting to loose interest of having fun during the summer, because the stuff that we need to deal with everyday, is just too much. Sleeping in class slowly becomes part of my everyday necessity, so that I could stay up late every night to study. Yes, I know this is a very bad little cycle I’m having right now, but I can’t do anything about it, it’s not like I’m not trying... >.>


This got me so frustrated that today, I finally exploded a little bit....but I guess I was a bit too optimistic before this, causing this to be a little shock to my friends. I kinda want to say I’m sorry, but really, I was worried about the test that I just took, my friend who is really sick, and also....I don’t know...some how, I just got so annoyed at my current situation, I wasn’t even able to fake a smile at Evelyn who was asking me a question, or laugh at Brian’s Japanese accented English.


So....sorry, buddies, I didn’t mean to give you guys that attitude.

In far life is boring like this, I hate it, and I don’t think my friends like any bit of it either. The only thing I look forward to is that I’m gonna be meeting Trillian in Taiwan this August....

(sounds corny, but yes, that’s what keeps me going ^_^)


Anyways, wrote this just to complain about life, summer, and my stupid chemistry class. (I’m gonna try writing something good about chemistry class next time, I guess)


P.S. having a periodic table test tomorrow, OMG, this is inhuman...HATE IT


Appreciation list: (not really a list, but oh well >.>)

I want to thank all those people in my chemistry class, because they make our class special as it is. (Especially, EVELYN & BRIAN, you guys ROCK!!)

Thanks to Trillian, he supports me, like he always do :]

Also, I want to thank Billy, he helped me A LOT with my periodic table test, THANKS BILLY, YOU’RE AWESOME!! *Cuddle* ^_^


Classie (1:38AM, July 7, 2009)


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