






        基本上,我們班大概有30上下個人,我和大約2/3的人是朋友,而與剩下的1/3我也都認識 ...(補充:美國的一般的教育制度是學生跑堂,所以每堂課的同學都不一樣,平常是很難得可以認識全班同學的,一堂課就算上了一整年,通常還是會有少數幾個同學是從來沒有交談過的)






        如我之前我說,我喜歡觀察班上的人,通常大家都會在考試以後以及看教學影片的時候睡覺.看著別人在上課時打瞌睡實在是很好笑,因為他們的動作通常是(慢慢閉上眼睛 à 開始點頭à 點頭的幅度越來越大 à 超級大點頭 à 驚醒 à 看看附近,確認沒有人注意到 à 盯著老師看,想著他在說什麼東西 à 同樣的動作重複) 哈哈 ^_^”


        在大約上午9:00 以及10:40 ,我們有兩個小小的休息時間,我通常都呆在教室裡跟朋友聊天,唱歌,以及玩數獨.有些人會覺得我在公眾場合唱歌是件很怪的事情,其它人則把我當成點歌機,要我唱指定的歌.不過我不介意,因為我超愛唱歌的說 (雖然唱得不好 >///<)


        3位我在班上最要好的朋友就是Evelyn(美女啊,不要每次都把我當成點歌機), Rose(長相卡哇伊的天才,有問題就找她) 以及Brian (這個一定要提,長得超像秋力延的說,每次都強迫我跟他學日文,日文都是跟他學來的). 他們是這個班級如此好玩有趣的最大因素之一 ^_^


        總而言之,雖然我在這個班上為了功課以及考試已經有讀書讀到快要瘋掉情形了,但是,基於某些原因,我倒是寧可去學校,而不要留在家裡....我非常的感謝所有在班上幫我,支持我的朋友...而其實,我還蠻開心今年暑假挑了化學來修 (應該吧...?)


p.s. ....連文章都不能好好打,原本周末就要PO上來了,但是功課...多到,來不及翻成中文.....明天要交實驗報告....我要瘋了 T_T


對了, 跳過下面英文段落...有化學課的照片可以看喔 ^_^ 如果有興趣的話...




----------------------------------English version (original version)

        If any of you guys read my previous article “Summer Vacation? More like Summer Torture” you would know that I’m currently taking chemistry at my high school. So today, I’m going to talk about my chemistry class. I hate taking chemistry, but I absolutely love the people in the class!



        Basically, our class is made up of around 30+ people (I think?). I’m friends with about 2/3 of them, and I know the rest as well.



        I sit at the far back of the classroom, which gives me an advantage of observing the class, I do that all the time, because it’s actually really fun staring at people sleeping, talking, and playing “point, made you look” games *cough cough at Evelyn and Brian*, playing tic tac toe *cough cough at Brenden*, and constantly walking around disturbing other people (in a good way) *cough cough at David*....etc (I wanna give more examples, but my throat...) *clears throat* Anyways, chemistry class is currently the biggest part of my life, since I spend about 4 hrs and 20 minutes per day, five days a week in that class. Every morning, we go to class before 7:50, which is like a huge torture to me, cuz during the school year, we usually go to school at 8:00, and trust me, there IS a difference. >.> During the first hour, we usually take a chapter test, and then we start our daily lecture, after every section, we do section practices; and then we take our first 10 minute break at around 9:00. Later we continue class for another 1 and a half hour, which usually involves even more lecture, or some labs.



        As I said, I observe people in class; normally people sleep the most after the tests and while watching a video (which is boring like hell). The most interesting thing about people sleeping in classes is HOW they sleep, and it’s just super funny when I see some people dozing off in class, I mean, they usually go like...

*closes eyes à starts nodding à nodding harder and harder à HUGE nod à suddenly wakes up à stares around to see if anyone saw à stares at the teacher for a little while, wondering what he’s talking about à repeats same cycle over and over again* XD


        During our 2 super short breaks at 9:00 and 10:40, I usually stay in the classroom chatting, singing, or playing sodoku (yes, sodoku). Some people think I’m weird to sing out loud in public, and others just see me as their music player...*cough cough at Evelyn, wanna switch another song?* but who cares, I love to sing (I don’t sing well though...>_>)


        3 of my best buddies in chemistry class are Evelyn (no, I’m not an “eggplant”), Rose (omg, rose rose rose, how do we do this problem? O_o), and Brian (man~ he looks like Trillian, and he forces me to learn Japanese). They’re the biggest reason why this class is so fun :]


        Anyways, I’m having a really hard time studying for all the tests and finishing homework in this class, but for some reasons, I’d rather go to summer school than stay at home. I’m thankful of all the people who helped me, gave me support, and brighten up my day; and I’m glad that I took chemistry this summer (I guess...?)


P.S. Sorry for the delay, I was gonna publish this during the weekend, but I didn’t have time to translate it into Chinese.

Working on Pre-lab questions right now, and kinda feel like tearing my lab into pieces... >.> oh well... ROFL

Here are some Chemistry class pictures to share (Pictures taken by Classie)


























Picture Taken by: Classie

Where: Arcadia High School E-6 Summer Chemistry Class

Who: Classie, Evelyn, Rose, Brian, and all other awesome people in that class :] 

Thanks to: Classie's Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX38GT Camera :) 


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