
-----------------------------中文翻譯板 (會讀英文的, 去讀下面的英文原版, 考驗自己的英文吧)


        我在3天內就要離開美國, 回去台灣了. 我非常的興奮, 但是壓力也非常的大. 暑修的最後一個禮拜, 比我想像中的難太多了, 我們所有的考試都是簡短回答, 或是申論題, 不像之前的考試都是選擇題. 而很不幸的, 我剛好非常不擅長解釋我為什麼, 以及如何”, 我的意思是指, 我真的沒有辦法, 也不能理解, 為什麼我必須要解釋 我是如何得到這個東西的半日工作”, 因為我不過是把數字給代進半日工作的公式裡罷了~ (補充: 半日工作, 是化學裡面的一種專有名詞, 指物質消逝分解成為原來的一半之速度)





       我自從這個禮拜一就開始熬夜熬得特別晚, 使我有種我應該撐不到最後一天的感覺. 我非常的累, 但是因為害怕考差了, 所以也就硬撐著不睡. 我大部分的朋友都很確定我不會考差, 所以認定我一定是瘋了, 才會瘋狂熬夜. 但是...我是在讀書的人(當事人), 當我覺得我真的不懂課本在說什麼的時候, 是真的好不好~ *嘆氣*




        目前我在班上有著97%的班成績, 是一個可以接受的成績啦, 但是我仍然很擔心我最後幾個考試會讓我的成績掉到A- (也就是差不多91%-93%), 也就是一個在我看來最差的成績, 邊緣成績!! 在我父母看來, 邊緣成績.... “是那種可以把你的成績拉到下一個評分(補充: 也就是從A掉到B, 甲掉到乙的意思), 然後直接會掉你人生的成績”. *嘆氣* *嘆氣*




        現在已經快要清晨4點鐘了, 而我也知道我現在不應該打文章, 不過我想要休息一下, 而打文章似乎是現在唯一可以讓我保持清醒的事情, 因為跑去睡覺現在不在選擇之內


       秋力延平安的到達了台灣, 而根據他所說, 台灣現在又熱又濕, ~完全可以想像. 他仍然因為時差的關係而很累, 而且... *叮咚* 他剛剛吃完飯, 現在上MSN XD



        我現在真的好累, 我眼睛已經沒有知覺了, 感覺好像眼球已經從眼框中爆出來, 而我則是用我空白的眼框瞪著東西... (是的, 我知道這樣不太可能)


       好啦, 現在我得暫時停了, 因為我得回去繼續讀書. 我不知道我有沒有辦法撐過暑修的最後3. 4個小時就又要上課了. 我不想去學校!


        我想要有說 天哪! 這些東西都滾開去死吧!!” 的權利!!!!



P.S. 謝謝大家的支持, 可欣我呢, 一定會努力加油的 >///<

台北的朋友們, 請點 這裡 建議可欣到時候回台灣時可以去哪裡吃, 喝, 玩, 樂 呢?




夏可欣 Classie





------------------------------English version (original vesrion)

        I’m gonna be leaving for Taiwan in about 3 days, I’m extremely excited, yet really stressed out also. This final week of summer school, was harder than I expected, all our tests are short answers and essay questions, instead of the multiple-choice ones we had before this; and unfortunately, I’m really bad at explaining “WHY, and HOW”, I mean I really don’t know how to or why I have to explain “how I got this certain half life”, since all I did was plugging the numbers into the “half time equation”.



        I have been staying up extra late everyday since this Monday, and I have a feeling that I’m not going to make it through the last day. I’m extremely tired, yet the fear of failing keeps me awake. Most of my friends are so sure I’m not gonna fail, that they think I’m crazy for staying up late; but I’m the one who’s studying, I know it when I really don’t get the textbook. *sigh*



        I currently have a 97% in that class, which is an acceptable grade, but I still fear that my last few tests are going to bring me down to an A-, which is the worse grade I could ever get, BORDERLINES. To my parents, borderlines are “grades that pull you to the lower next grade level, and ruin your life directly”. *sigh* *sigh*



        It’s almost 4AM in the morning, and I know I shouldn’t be typing an article, but...I want to take a little break from studying, and this seems to be the only thing that can keep me from falling asleep, since going to bed is NOT an option right now.



        Trillian arrived Taiwan safely, and according to him, it’s really humid and hot there, which is totally expectable. He’s still really tired due to jetlags, and....*ding dong* he just got back from eating and is on msn right now! XD



        I’m so tired right now, I can’t even feel my eyes eyes seem to pop out from my sockets, and I’m just staring at stuff with my blank socket. (which is totally impossible, I know)



        Okay, now I have to stop, cuz I need to go back to my studies again. I don’t know if I’m going to survive through the last 3 days of my summer school. School in less than 4 hours. I do NOT want to go to school!



        I want to... have the right to just say “OMG, JUST SCREW THIS!!!!”





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